SurfEars - Review


Since I began surfing, I never really paid too much attention to the ‘dangers’ of spending so much time in the ocean. Sharks, drowning, or falling in shallow water never bothered me. One that never even crossed my mind was Surfers Ear. It wasn’t till I was in my late 20’s that I learned how serious surfer’s ear is and how simple it is to prevent. 

For those that don't know, “Surfer's ear (also known as swimmer's ear) is a condition where the bone of the ear canal develops multiple bony growths called exostoses. Over time, this can eventually cause a partial or complete blockage of the ear canal.

The condition is primarily caused by prolonged exposure to cold water or wind. Cold water surfers are six times more likely to get surfer's ear than warm water surfers.” (Thanks UCI Health)

Having surfer’s ear can cause some pretty nasty side effects, including a reduction in hearing as well as increased likelihood of ear infections. To fix it, you have to have your ears drilled which I hear is quite painful and requires a fairly lengthy recovery. 

So, now knowing how serious surfer’s ear is, it's super simple to prevent. Ear Plugs. Using ear plugs while surfing will prevent water from entering your ear which removes the problem before it can cause the growth of extra bones. As someone who has had ear issues in the past, I went out and bought a pair. Turns out surfing with ear plugs sucks. Every duck dive made me want to pop my ears and if any water got in, it would slosh around driving me crazy. 

It was around this time that I heard about SurfEars. They advertise that their plugs keep the water out, but let sound in. I was intrigued, but never took a shot on them because they were significantly more expensive than other options on the market. However, I reached out to their team a little while ago and they were awesome enough to send me a pair to test. 


Do They Work?


These plugs come with multiple sizes so they can fit into pretty much any ear. Once I found my size and got used to them, they were great! They prevented any water from entering my ear and still allowed me to talk to other people out in the line up. They’re not perfect and you still get feeling where your voice sounds super loud when you talk, but they are far superior to any other plug I’ve tried. 

They are also super comfortable in your ear and you hardly even notice them. One thing I did find, and is mentioned on the packaging when you buy SurfEars, is that they do need to be cleaned. The mesh that keeps the water out sometimes clogs with salt and dirt and they won't work as intended. 

Are They Worth It?

SurfEars are 100% worth it. It was hard for me to get over the $60 cost, but these guys are worth every penny. They are the best option on the market and really do work as advertised. They are built well and come in a really nice carrying case that can easily be thrown into a board bag or a glove box. They have also made it super easy to order extra parts so if anything breaks, it's easy to replace. 

Finally, for your health, you should buy these plugs. I have no desire to have my ears drilled. Having SurfEars prevent that from happening while still allowing me to surf and talk with friends like I normally would is fantastic. SurfEars has become a part of my surf routine, and they should become a part of yours as well.

Be sure to check them out on their site as well as on Instagram @surfears

Stay Stoked!

Sam Hoynacki